Wrapped in Courage 2024 Local Events & Flag Locations
The following flag locations and events across Ontario have been confirmed by the Wrapped in Courage Campaign Participating Organizations! The chart below also provides details on public event times and dates.
Organizing Agency | Is there an event occurring the PUBLIC can attend? |
Event Details (Link to event info (if available) / Date & Time of Event Any Other Event Details for Public) |
If Proclamation is occurring, note date & time | How long will flag be raised for (if applicable) |
Contact |
Yellow Brick House | Open to the public | Break The Silence, Step in My Shoes Walk, November 3rd, 10am-noon https://yellowbrickhouse-2024walk.raiselysite.com/ |
November 3rd | pamelad@yellowbrickhouse.org | |
Gillian’s Place | Open to the public | November 18 at 11 am | 1 week | justine@gilliansplace.com | |
Nova Vita Domestic Violence Prevention Services | November 25th, 10:00AM | Live Stream: www.facebook.com/NovaVitaBrant | November 25th, 10:00AM | November 25th – December 10th | jpowless@novavita.org |
Guelph-Wellington Women in Crisis | It will be open to the public | Friday November 1, 12:00 PM | TBD | wiceducator@gwwomenincrisis.org | |
Woman Abuse Working Group | Open to the public | November 21st, 9am WAWGNovember21Event.eventbrite.ca | November 21, 9:00 AM | wawgpc@gmail.com | |
Canadian Federation of University Women / Birchway Niagara | Open to the Public | November 25, 1:30 PM | jenniferm@birchway.ca | ||
Canadian Federation of University Women / Birchway Niagara | Open to the Public | November 25, 11:30 AM | jenniferm@birchway.ca | ||
Pavilion women’s Centre | Open to the Public | November 22, 11:00 AM | julia.guilbeault@pavwc.com | ||
Canadian Federation of University Women / Birchway Niagara | Open to the public | November 25th, 10am | jenniferm@birchway.ca | ||
Nova Vita Domestic Violence Prevention Services | November 25th at 1:00PM | Live Stream: www.facebook.com/NovaVitaBrant | November 25th, 1:00PM | November 25th – December 10th | jpowless@novavita.org |
Herizon House | Open to the Public | November 25th, 11am | November 25th 11am | 7 days | vanessa@herizonhouse.com |
The Denise House & VPCC (coordinating council) | open to the public | November 25th, 9am | November 25 at 9:00 am – confirmed | TBD | smccormack@thedenisehouse.com |
YWCA Peterborough Haliburton | open to the public | November 25th time not stated | November 25th to December 2nd | mbishop@dysartetal.ca | |
New Starts for Women | Open to the public | November 8th, 9am | Nov 25th | Nov 18-30 | |
Elliot Lake Women’s Group | Open to Public | November 25th, 11:00am | November 25th, 11:00am | November 25th | administrative.assistant@elwg.ca |
YWCA Peterborough Haliburton | Open to the Public | November 25th to December 10th | lfitton@mindenhills.ca | ||
Gillian’s Place | Open to the public | November 20th, 10 am | 1 week | justine@gilliansplace.com | |
Green haven Shelter for Women | Open to the Public | community@ghws.ca | |||
Domestic Abuse Services Oxford & Ingamo Homes & DART | Open to the public | November 25th, 1:30pm | TBD | sophie@daso.ca | |
Domestic Abuse Services Oxford & Ingamo Homes & DART | Open to the public | November 25th, 2:45pm | sophie@daso.ca | ||
Armagh & Embrave | Open to the public | Nov 20th,9:30 am https://www.brampton.ca/EN/City-Hall/meetings-agendas/Pages/Welcome.aspx |
Nov 20th,9:30 am | NA due to CUPE 831 Strike | thanah@armaghhouse.ca |
Armagh & Embrave | Open to the public | November 22 | 24 hours | thanah@armaghhouse.ca | |
Alternatives for Women | It will be open to the public | November 25th, noon | TBD | juliew@alternativesforwomen.ca | |
New Starts for Women | Open to the public | November 1st, 1pm | Nov 25th | Nov 1-Dec 10th | director@newstartsforwomen.com |
Gillian’s Place | Open to the public | November 26, 1:00 PM | 1 week | justine@gilliansplace.com | |
Gillian’s Place | Open to the public | November 25, 9 am, Mayor will be speaking | 1 week | justine@gilliansplace.com | |
Gillian’s Place | Open to the public | November 7th, 7-9am |
Wrapped in Courage Pancake Breakfast
justine@gilliansplace.com | |
Gillian’s Place | Open to the public | November 22nd, 9 am | 1 week | justine@gilliansplace.com | |
Women’s Habitat of Etobicoke & Aura Freedom | November 22nd, 2024, 11am event – 12:15pm flag raising | November 22nd, 2024, 11am event – 12:15pm flag raising | Nov 22nd, 2024 at event | December 2nd or until someone else wants to raise a flag |
cneto@womens-habitat.ca, marissa@aurafreedom.org
My Sister’s Place | Yes | November 25th,10am | 1 week | mspalliston@gmail.com | |
Family Transition Place | Open to the public | November 25th, 2pm | TBC | kelly@familytransitionplace.ca | |
Canadian Federation of University Women / Birchway Niagara | Open to the Public | November 25th, 10am | jenniferm@birchway.ca | ||
Pavilion women’s Centre | Yes | November 5th | November 5th | julia.guilbeault@pavwc.com | |
My Sister’s Place | Yes | November 25th at Noon | 1 week | mspalliston@gmail.com | |
Family Transition Place | Open to the public | November 25th, 12:15pm | TBC | kelly@familytransitionplace.ca | |
Canadian Federation of University Women / Birchway Niagara | Open to the public | November 25th, 10am | jenniferm@birchway.ca | ||
My Sister’s Place | Yes | November 20th, 6pm | 1 Week | mspalliston@gmail.com | |
My Sister’s Place | Yes | November 25th,10am | 1 week | mspalliston@gmail.com | |
HIatus House | open to the public | November 25th, 12 noon | November 25 at 12 noon | 1 week | maggiedurocher@hiatushouse.com |
Birchway Niagara | open to the pbulic | November 20th, noon- 1 p.m. | samanthaf@birchway.ca | ||
Birchway Niagara | n/a |
November 25-December 10 (cupola at City Hall will glow orange throughout the 16 days)
jenniferm@birchway.ca | ||
Birchway Niagara | n/a |
November 25 (bridge will be illuminated orange for one evening to mark start of 16 days)
jenniferm@birchway.ca | ||
Canadian Federation of University Women | n/a |
November 25-December 10 (arches will glow orange throughout the 16 days)
jenniferm@birchway.ca | ||
Birchway Niagara | n/a |
November 25- The Horseshoe Falls will glow orange for 15 minutes to start the 16 days of activism (American Falls will glow purple (for WAPM) and white. The previous evening the falls will also be illuminated orange at 10:00 for Zonta’s annual Candlelight vigil. Live link: https://www.earthcam.com/canada/niagarafalls/?cam=niagarafalls_str)
jenniferm@birchway.ca | ||
Canadian Federation of University Women / Birchway Niagara | Yes | November 25 – 1 p.m. | November 25 – 1 p.m. | jenniferm@birchway.ca | |